Saturday, March 14, 2009

* little steps to wellness *


check your weight monthly to monitor your wellness progress.
make every first day of the month your weighing day to make it easy to remember.
keep your weight gain or loss target per month within 2-4 lbs. to avoid a yoyo weight gain/loss. change your eating habits and physical activity patterns slowly to make your wellness journey more sustainable.
eat in moderation (portion control), variety (mix of food groups), and balance (proper servings per group food). you can eat anything but just not everything!
choose to walk short destinations or take the stairs over the elevator or escalator. the goal is to cover 10,000 steps a everyday.
drink 8-10 glasses of water! water helps to distribute nutrients and flush out toxins that can help the body to work efficiently.
incorporate physical activity in your everyday life. look for opportunities to work out your muscles wherever you go.
check the labels of the food you eat to keep within your Total Energy Requirement for the day.

good to know...
there's an ideal weight for your age, gender, and height.
the healthy weight gain/loss per month is 2-4 lbs. only.
more than that might cause health problems.
your waist circumference measures your abdominal fat, which is an indicator of health risk.
spot reduction is a myth: the waist area is first to store fat and last to lose excess fat.
when one loses weight, the first to get smaller are the extremeties (legs and arms), and last is the middle area (including the stomach).

if i were you, plan now your little steps and milestones monthly to achieve your wellness goal.

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