Saturday, March 14, 2009

* all about HIM *

a turtle once taught me that
no matter how heavy his bearings are,
it's God's choice to make him carry the luggage
for it's the only way
he will be protected.


God said, "build a better world"
man asked, "how? the world is so messed up there's nothing i can do"
He smiled and said, "just build a better you"


Jesus did not promise that life would be easy
but He did promise to be with you every step of the way.
keep going!
He cares for you all the time.


life never seems to be the way we want it;
but we live it the best way we can.
there's no perfect life,
but we can let God fill it with perfect moments.


if God answers your prayer,
He's increasing your faith.
if He delays,
He's increasing your patience,
if He doesn't answer,
He's preparing the best for you.


there are times your afraid
times your confused
times you feel uneasy
you feel alone
you start to cry
you stop to love
don't worry,
you still have Jesus
everything's gonna be all right.


God has made life so good that even if we don't exactly get what we want, we realize that He has given us is actually the best for us.


don't worry about you don't have
and jealous of what other people do have.
just remember that there's only
one "YOU".


a child ask his father:
"why do i need to be humble?"
the father replied:
"when you choose the lowly path,
there's no place to fall"


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